How far can we reasonably push distribution grid operation?

Dr. Jurij Curk, Elektro Ljubljana d.d.


Whit intensified digitalisation of distribution grids also ambitions of real-time remote supervision of entire system including low voltage feeders and metering points are growing. But setting up a sophisticated control centres with SCADA and advanced distribution management systems (ADMS) is easier part of the task. Much more demanding is to get real time signals form the grid, since there are millions of nodes to be under control and these huge figures make it very costly. Consequently, compromises are needed, and we have to rely much on modelling and simulations. So we can have good overview over grid and operate it close to the limits.

And crossing the operational limits of the grid is becoming more and more likely with higher penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) with very volatile generation. Short times of peak generation can’t guarantee economic viability of investments in the grid. So, here again we are facing very similar problem of finding right compromise, how to develop the distribution grid in the near future.

Lecture will give a better insight in these challenges.


Conference on Data and Physics-Based Modelling, Simulation and Optimization in Industrial Applications
