In this section you can get information about the venue, travelling and acommodation

About Győr

The conference is held in Győr, Hungary. The city of rivers is a dinamically developing industrial center in nortwestern Hungary with rich historical and cultural heritage and home to Széchenyi István University.

Győr has excellent transport connections with nearby European cities on road and train as well. The capital city, Budapest is less than 1,5 hours. Northwest you can reach Vienna within 1,5 hours, Bratislava within 1 hour. Zagreb or Ljubljana are within ca. 4 hours. Frequent and direct train connections are available to Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Munich and Stuttgart. 



About the venue - Science Park of Széchenyi István University, Győr

Address:  Hungary 9025 Győr, Töltésszer 13.

The iconic Győr „Cube” provides space for business, incubation, research and educational activities on six floors since 2023 as the first building of the Science Park of Széchenyi István University, ca. 500 m from the main campus, separated by river Danube. 

science park

The inspiring environment of the cubical building of the old biscuit factory hosts several events and will be the venue of the MSO-Industry Conference in 2024. The renovation process of the building ended in 2023. 


Local organizer - Széchenyi István University

Széchenyi István University

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering

Department of Mathematics and Computational Sciences



Travelling - How to get here?

1. Flights: There are two international airports near Győr, providing convenient options for participants.

Transfer from Budapest airport:

  • Trains: From the airport you can get to Budapest Kelenföld train station via public transportaion, and from there you can take the train to Győr.
    EMMA route planner  - with direct link to train ticket purchase.
    BKK tickets are available in ticket machines or in the Simple mobile app. For airport shuttle bus 100E a special ticket is necessary (2200 HUF), for M4 subway a single ticket is 450 HUF.

    Please be aware that there is a compulsory seat reservation on the Intercity trains. The travel time from Kelenföld is between 1 h 20 m to 1 h 54 m.
    The conference venue is 18 minutes walk from Győr train station or available by bus or taxi. 

  • Buses: Several bus companies operate transfer services between Budapest and Győr.  

Transfer from Vienna: 

  • Trains: Vienna is well-connected to Győr by train. Direct trains operate between Vienna Hauptbahnhof and Győr Railway Station, providing a comfortable and scenic journey. Participants can check the schedule and purchase tickets through the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) website.
  • Buses: Several bus companies operate transfer services between Vienna and Győr, offering a convenient alternative to trains. 

2. Travel by car

Google Maps

Hungarian E-vignette rates and purchase

Parking: free for participants at the parking lot of the university


3. Travel by train and public transportation:

European railway schedules and ticket purchase - seat reservation is optional.

The venue is 18 minutes walk from Győr train station. 

Győr has a well-organized public transportation system, with numerous bus stops throughout the city. For travel planning we recommend Google maps or EMMA

Several taxi drivers are also available at the train station.


4. Useful Links:

We hope this information will assist international participants in traveling to Győr. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us!


Recommended hotels

Famulus Business Hotel****  

Danubius Hotel Rába*** 


Conference on Data and Physics-Based Modelling, Simulation and Optimization in Industrial Applications
